Richard Scarry is very popular in our house. His sense of humor is so quirky!
My favorite story is about Schtoompah, the funny Austrian.
Schtoompah was a funny fellow. He was not very tidy. Instead of putting things away neatly, he would just throw them in the closet. It goes on to tell about how he had a concert and couldn't find his tuba and when he did find it he rode his bike to the band concert with it on his head and finally when the concert was about to start ("Uh-ein, uh-zwei, uh-drei!" counts the conductor), all sorts of stuff comes flying out, including a pickaxe, cleats, and lederhosen. (If I had a tuba the same thing would happen, we all know it is true except I don't own lederhosen or any kind of gear. I guess shampoo and dirty clothes would fly out.)
This story has made an impact on George as well. Yesterday we were outside watching the Blue Angels (George has been enjoying the air shows with the exception of the one bad driver. And, I don't know what that means. Clay thinks George saw one one of the pilots on his cell phone.) when one of our neighbors summoned us over. I said hello and was talking to her and said, "George, can you say hi." George looked at this lady, who has piles and piles of crap on her front porch and said, "Hi Schtoompah."
And yes I laughed. It was funny and she didn't hear and most likely isn't reading Ricahrd Scary 'cause her son is in his late 30's (Just like me!!! Gulp).
Clay says this is funny to us but really is a big build up to a story that is kind of mean. I can't help it, I am mean. Now we all know it is true. (However, Clay is meaner 'cause he wouldn't get coffee or lunch with me on my birthday. Good thing he isn't smart enough to know how to comment on my blog. I don't want him to defend himself to my three readers and one ex-boyfriend.)
End of post.