Saturday, July 19, 2008


I had a dream last night that I was back living in Vienna but only with Goldie.
No Clay and no George. Goldie was colicky so I took her to the pharmacy to help "heal" her and the pharmacist recommended ether. He suggested soaking a cloth in it and putting it over her mouth. So, of course I followed his good advice knocking her out and going about my merry way.
How crazy is that? Goldie has never been colicky and is actually a really good baby! (that probably isn't the ridiculous part of the dream but one of elements that stuck me, of course.)
Which leads me to my next question- have you ever seen the Curious George book when George gets hold of the bottle of ether and passes out? This was clearly written years ago and would never fly now. It is so funny yet disturbing. Just like my dream.

1 comment:

susie said...

I've had similar dreams when my kids were babies, but they usually involved stowing the crying babies in closets and forgetting about them!

You know, ether is a gateway drug! Next it's inhaling propellants, and pretty soon your kid is strung out on CRACK! It could happen!