Wednesday, October 29, 2008


The setting-
George is in the back of the car listening to The Beattles album Yellow Submarine, which he has loved since he was a small baby. The song "Hey, Bulldog" comes on and says something about "if you're lonely you can talk to me."
When we get to our destination, which shall remain nameless for fear of being judged by good parents, he starts singing
"If your ungebloozen don't talk to me."
My mom and dad were present and thought this was the funniest thing they'd ever heard.
Ungebloozen means surly in yiddish and apparently I've used this word a few times with George.
If you don't get it, ask your Jewish friends if this is funny. It is. Trust me on this.


deebee said...

Google the word and see what comes up near the top of the list! History.

robinwehl said...

That is so funny! I love it!
Hey kids, we are famous!