Thursday, February 5, 2009

NEW FEATURE! Crazy person of the month

I've reached a new level of meanness and am going to feature a person of the month to make fun of. Due to time constraints, not lack of material, I nominate my dad for the month of February.
The main reason is because he has a subscription to the kookiest magazine ever.
It is a magazine devoted to chain stores and those who love them. Seriously... it focuses on such topics such as new stores opening in shopping malls!

And, he passes back issues to Clay, who hasn't been to a mall since 1984 unless you count University Village.

Stay tuned for the March nominees. It might be you!


Anonymous said...

I hope he hasn't paid up far in advance, what with the economy being what it is and stores failing left and right. Of course, if stores featured George in their ads, it would be a different story...

Anonymous said...

So, are you now going to celebrating Festives (sp)?
- Auntie Donna -

Anonymous said...

Whoops, it's spelled Festivus; The original slogan of Festivus is "A Festivus for the rest of us!" Instead of a tree an unadroned aluminum pole is used, in contrast to normal holiday materialism. Those attending Festivus may also participate in the "Airing of Grievances" which is an opportunity to tell others how thay have dissapointed you in the past year, followed by a Festivus dinner, and then completed by the "Feats of Strength" where the head of the houshold must be pinned. I look forward to try and pin George.
- Auntie Donna -