Monday, May 11, 2009

Just a Little Something I Whipped Up!

The night before Milo's Bris my friend Leora asked me to come by and pick up a cake. Well, it turned out to be the Mona Lisa of cakes. This cake was fancier than our wedding cake! The neighbors noticed it from THEIR house and were marveling at its beauty from their stairway window. And, on top of all that, it actually tasted great! We contemplated freezing some to save for Milo's wedding but ended up eating the whole thing. Poor Milo. He didn't even get a taste.

Goldie wearing George's Spiderman suit and eating a dill pickle.

Milo and Goldie in our bed.

George and Goldie are thinking they've reached a new high in their life with Popsicles, face paint and bathing all combined into one. Clay and I are thinking we've reached a new low in our parenting skills. The ice cream man has put us on his daily route. Goldie always gets the Spiderman Popsicle, while George mixes it up and tries new flavors.

Baby Milo gets his second bath and covers his privates for the camera.

Goldie wearing my dress at Milo's bris. I wore the dress when I was three at my grandparent's anniversary party over 35 years ago. My niece Cara wore the dress to our wedding.


Leora Bloom said...

My, but that cake looks lovely ;-). I meant to tell you that I had almost the IDENTICAL dress (they eyelet one). It was made for me to wear in my cousin's wedding circa 1976.

deebee said...

Thankful for an update.

JvA said...

I see milo's resemblance to his sibs already! He's destined for even greater cuteness, though he is already one of the cutest newborns I've seen.

Lovely cake too!

kim said...

First: adorable cake. All is needs is volcano action.
Second: Goldie looks like she's in bed with a little doll dressed like a prisoner.
Third: George and Goldie look like they're having fun in the tub. Has she stopped pooping the party, so to speak?
Fourth: Milo's not hiding his private parts from the camera. He's protecting them.
And finally: Couldn't you afford a new dress for Goldie, or did the tres chic sunglasses blow the budget? said...

fantastic pictures and the one of Milo taking a bath looks exactly like George (and Goldie for that matter). I don't think your genes like to stray very far :).