Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Here is my favorite card from my favorite four year old.

I hope you get good presents. The person that is going to do it is Gene Juarez.
I hope you have a good time. I hope he does nice things for you. I hope he makes your face look good. I hope he gives you a ponytail, the best one ever.
P.S. I love Evil Kneivel.

My family bought me a spa day at Gene Juarez and apparently I get to have my face look good and get a new ponytail.

I'm a lucky, lucky girl.

And if that wasn't enough, Goldie went pee-pee in the potty today.
It was the kind of potty that is free standing and you have to empty it into the toilet. According to my mom, who owns the potty and witnessed the pee-pee,
Goldie was so excited about it that she didn't want my mom to dump it.
So Nana poured it into a zip loc bag and gave it to me.

Thankfully Milo didn't get me anything.

And there are no pictures to go with this post.


leorabakes said...

!!! What more could you want? A nice face, a ponytail, and a bag of pee! You ARE a lucky girl! Oh, I know what else you could want, can I take you out for an ice cream this week??? I didn't even know it was your birthday :-(

robinwehl said...

Yay! Yes.

Anonymous said...

Your Mom is great. You might want to freeze that pee. You could show it to her when she gets older. What fun!!!