Thursday, December 30, 2010

Slumber Party for 14

We had 13 people sleeping in our house for the last two nights. (14 if you include Hector P. Valenti, the neighbor's hamster.)

Nothing makes me happier than having guests.

Except this cake, which is chocolate with butter cream and ganache. (I made it twice this week.)

We are considering registering our house with the city and officially turning it into a Bed and Breakfast. But it would be free of charge and would only accept guests who are charming, witty, gracious and very hungry.

Most of our guests have now left and we're down to a mere 8 people tonight (9 counting Hector) and we made everyone eat at least one black eyed pea to ensure good luck throughout the year.

Happy new year!


deirdre doyle said...

Yum! Let me know when you are once again tempted to make the chocolate cake. Happy New Year to all of you!!!! Peace.

robinwehl said...

I think I am going to make it Friday night! If so'll I'll bring you some.

Hugo's Momma said...

Yummy...can I come and stay???

robinwehl said...

Lisa, please come and stay! I miss you.