Friday, May 27, 2011

Look What I Found in Milo's Pants!

I just walked in the front door from dropping George off at school and Clay says to me, and I quote:

"I just found a tire gauge and two pieces of candy in Milo's pants."

And sure enough, stuffed down the back of his pants was a tire gauge and two pieces of candy (still in their wrappers). Good instincts, Milo. It's always good to be prepared. Just in case...


Debbie said...

Eilan is totally obsessed with putting stuff in his pants pockets, down his shirt, wherever...

kim said...

Maybe he thinks he's a roomba?

Anonymous said...

I found something in my pants, too!

ryfsmith said...

I was changing Ben the other day and what falls out of his pants? A poker chip!

robinwehl said...

Hey Rom-
Did you get a new baby yet? Glad to see you are still reading the blog.