Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pies and High Dives

I didn't ask you to read my blog. You came here on your own.

Perhaps this means you're curious about what's happening with us? Or perhaps you are one of my ex-boyfriends. If so, scram! I still love Clay.

Even if it seems like I'm bragging, I'm going to fill you in on the truth, the real nitty-gritty.

And since it's my blog I can talk about myself as much as I want. And my kids. And Clay. And even Grandpa Lala, should I feel so inclined.

Deep breath... OK.

There was another pie contest, this one at the Crossroads farmer's market. I entered a triple berry pie and won first place in the categories of Best Crust and Best Looking. Not me, silly. The pie! (At least I think it was the pie. I can't be sure now that I think about it.)

Anyway, I also baked this now famous pie, which was used in a national publication:

So there you have it. I think I'm getting good at making pies. Too bad I prefer cake.

And George can jump off the high dive. Go George!


kim said...

I don't know what to say about this, other than, "Go, George!"

Anonymous said...

We love reading your blog! Please continue to brag, complain and inform. You do so with such a flair and special wit! We love you. We are proud of you. We want to hear of all the Martin's awards & accomplishments.
(It isn't us you were upset with, is it?)

Leora Bloom said...

You REALLY need to start an awards wall. I am very proud to know you, Pie Queen!

Unknown said...

Wow! I am so proud of you Bob! I love baking as well, we should get together and bake! I have a billion black berries on the way, 2 plum trees, apple trees and well sorry we already ate our cherries. If you ever feel so inclined I would love to hang out with all the kids, partners and such and bake like we used to in the early days! -Shawn

Emily said...

I hereby invite myself over for pie!

Anonymous said...

It has now been 24 days since your last post.
Just saying.

Anonymous said...

You all know that is 34 days, right?