Three years ago you and Georgie looked like this.

And like this when you turned one.

We had a great day at Camano. Milo ate sand in your honor

while you were delighted by the sun

and George built a fort on the beach.

Thanks for having a birthday and celebrating with your school friends.
Next year pick a better cake.

That is indeed one of the ugliest cakes I have ever seen. Maybe in the future you should surprise her with one of your own design?
(I see George added The Lone Ranger, as well as the theme. How was he exposed?)
Because the cake was for school friends it had to be kosher. I have a nasty habit of putting hunks of pork in my cakes...
I really wish we had a friend who knew something about The Lone Ranger. Maybe if that friend had a pool at their house they could invite us swimming as well. Hmmm... if only we knew someone.
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