Today a friend mentioned she'd eaten a few bites of a homemade pretzel and cheese sauce at Quinn's last night.
The mere mention of this got the wheels in my sickly brain spinning and hours later Clay and I were snacking on these rolled nuggets of bready deliciousness.
The pretzel recipe was a test recipe for my friend Leora's new book (check out so I can't post it here and the cheese sauce I made up by dumping butter, flour, milk, cheese, Worcestershire sauce and beer in a sauce pan.

The pretzel recipe was a test recipe for my friend Leora's new book (check out so I can't post it here and the cheese sauce I made up by dumping butter, flour, milk, cheese, Worcestershire sauce and beer in a sauce pan.
I notice George is now into the Lone Ranger theme. Has he seen the show, or just heard the music? Jon comes running whenever he hears the music, hoping the show will be on.
We were thinking George should hang out with Jon. We remember his cool collection. George has never seen the show, just heard the theme song.
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