George: "Is it bad to break a promise?"
Me: "Yes."
George: In the most earnest of voices, "Even with a stuffed animal?"
Me: "Where are you going with this?"
George: "I promised Froggy (his stuffed frog) that I'd bring him in for the next show-'n'-tell at school."
Me: "I think in this case it's okay to break a promise."
Goldie: "Moooooooooooooooommy!!!!!"
Me: Out of breath from running up two flights of stairs and into her bedroom, "Yes Goldie."
Goldie: "Is it wake up time yet?"
Me: "No, it's 8:30 p.m. Go to sleep."
I think she needs to meet
Jon Auer. (Just skip to the end of that post, unless you are bored, which I am assuming you are.)
Lastly, if you see Goldie, it's best not to talk to her about her hair. She severely dislikes the topic. Yesterday at Nordstrom a sales lady walked up to her and said, "Oh, I love your curly hair." Goldie's response was a polite growl and her standard "I don't have curly hair."
The sales lady didn't let it go. She tried to sort of run her fingers through Goldie's hair, which anyone should know is a physical impossibility. And this made Goldie even angrier and she jerked her head, which resulted in the lady getting her ring stuck in Goldie's curls and Goldie crying as the lady fumbled around trying to get her hand detached.
The sales lady lost the sale and nearly lost her ring. She felt badly and quickly ran and got Goldie a pink balloon.
This helped, but Goldie was still pissed.