Friday, November 21, 2008

Back home with craziness!

We've been home a week now and it's good. We loved Hawaii but we do love home as well. Here is our week in review. Maybe kind of boring for some.

Goldie wore her bathing suit on the airplane and refused to get dressed. Finally we got pants on her and later a shirt so she didn't land in Seattle half naked.
In fact, as I type this she is wearing her swim suit over her pants and shirt. We've reached a new high... or low.

The last two nights in a row George woke up during the night yelling, "read the Lorax to me!" He's having crazy almost fever-like dreams. He falls back to sleep and doesn't remember any of it. I like that the book he dreams about is the Lorax. How did Dr. Suess know so much before anyone else? Even George Bush 30 years later isn't as in touch with the environment. I think my George actually has a better understanding about this subject than our current president.

Nana and Baba brought George his cousin Max's old bike which we let him ride in the house. I never would have let him do it in our old place but it seems appropriate here. This house is made for bike riding. This morning I let him eat Cheerios (with milk) on it. I've sunk to such lows and just may win a parenting award.

We finally took our Halloween decorations down and are talking about Hanukkah. George wants a "a bad guy set" which of course they don't make and even if they did I wouldn't buy it. We don't want violent toys of any sort. Same with electronic. In fact, we've got so much crap accumulating that we'd prefer to get a bunch of good books. (If that isn't a huge hint to the grandparents (and Auntie Donna) I don't know what is!) Here is another hint

Last night I puked about 7 times as we had company over for dinner. I was feeling pretty badly all day and was sitting on the couch waiting for Clay to come back with Thai food when it hit me. I barely made it to the bathroom. Yep, for those of you wondering, I'm pregnant. 18 weeks now. And, we found out the gender today!!

Here are some photos to prove that we really were on vacation. See my belly?

1 comment:

deebee said...

I just read the news!!! MaZaL ToV!!!
Wow a third goldie locks...I can't wait to hear what the name is when the time comes. Maybe you ought to change your blog title to "George, Goldie and the Guppy" if we're going to now get preggers updates. Whoo-hoo. Mazal tov.