Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Everything Butt The Boy

When Milo was one year old my dad would always give him bubblegum.  It made me angry mostly because other parents would notice and ask "Is your baby chewing gum?"

Well, honey, that's nothing.  He recently rode in our friends van and apparently heard some choice parts from The Book of Mormon soundtrack.

This morning he was in the kitchen singing, "Hello, my name is butt fu*k naked."

Now parents ask me if my baby just said what they thought he said. I'm forced to sheepishly explain. "I know. We're trying our best to get him to say 'tushy' instead."

"Butt" just sounds so crude and inappropriate.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

We're Still Funny

I overheard George and Goldie have the following exchange tonight while brushing their teeth:
Goldie: "This is the grossest thing ever in the world."
George: "How do you know? You haven't seen everything in the world."
Goldie: "Yes I have. I've seen Hawaii. I've seen Africa. I've seen Aladdin."

And later she has the nerve to ask me:
Goldie: "Have you ever done dishes before?"

And I heard the following helpful suggestion the other day about George:
Milo: "How about we give him away to another little boy who doesn't have a brother."

I'd consider giving one or two of them away, but then I wouldn't have any quotable quotes for my blog. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Order Up!

Here are a few of the more quotable quotes from our kids over the past few weeks:

Milo: "Order up!"  Yelling from the bathroom when he wanted someone to come wipe his bottom.

Milo: "Did you know that three is old enough to get a phone?"

Milo: "I smell ka-ka.  Mama, it's you.  Wait, oh yeah.  It's me.  I better go get on the potty."

Milo: "I have an itch on my leg elbow."  (He meant knee.)

Milo: "Mama!  Don't sing!  Your singing is really bad."

Milo: "Let's not talk about this.  You're making me uncomfortable." After  I told him how much I love him.

Milo: This is the worst day ever!  (Crying hysterically.)
Me: "What happened?"
Milo: My frosted Mini Wheats got soggy!

Paul McCartney singing:  "I give her all my love, and she gives me everything."
George:  "That sounds like Nana!  I give her all my love and she gives me everything!"

Milo: "Am I still young?"

Milo:  These are some snacks, indeed!  (He said while eating french toast.)

Milo:  "When I grow up I'm going to be a scuba diving fireman fire dancer."

Milo:  "Which Egypt?  The one in Seattle or Hawaii?"

Milo:  "Cheers to big butts."
Clay:  "Amen."

George: "I was going to put something else in that!"  (After seeing me throw away an empty tooth paste tube.  He's a hoarder, by the way.)

Milo: "These underpants never get dirty."  Referring to the underpants he'd had on for days.

Milo:  "Good night Dada.  Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.  I like you.  I like the way your hair looks and I like your glasses."

Milo: "I'm half big, half little."

Milo: "My Hebrew name is Batman."

Milo: "Mama, don't eat!  I want you to get a little tushy like mine."

Milo:  "That's not brocoli, that's kale on a stick!"  (After I put brocolini on his dinner plate.)