Wednesday, October 29, 2008


The setting-
George is in the back of the car listening to The Beattles album Yellow Submarine, which he has loved since he was a small baby. The song "Hey, Bulldog" comes on and says something about "if you're lonely you can talk to me."
When we get to our destination, which shall remain nameless for fear of being judged by good parents, he starts singing
"If your ungebloozen don't talk to me."
My mom and dad were present and thought this was the funniest thing they'd ever heard.
Ungebloozen means surly in yiddish and apparently I've used this word a few times with George.
If you don't get it, ask your Jewish friends if this is funny. It is. Trust me on this.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My little troublemaker(s)

Goldie is such a troublemaker! The other day while Clay was folding laundry and I was off gallivanting around town Goldie got into a box of markers and colored her arms, face, tights, shoes and George's bed. She even got the pillowcase and sheets!
And, George watched her do it!
And, Clay had no idea what was happening.
Which one is the actual troublemaker?

Nardy and Facewipe Martin

George went to Nana and Baba's house last month and returned with two goldfish in a plastic bag. He lovingly named them Nardy and Facewipe. One morning Nardy and Facewipe were both found dead and were quickly flushed. George didn't notice the missing fish for about a week but when he did he was mad as hell! I called my mom, aka:Nana, who raced her butt up to Crossroads Mall and spent 26 cents on Nardy and Facewipe's doppelgangers.
When she came over with them seconds later she said something about the fish having a sleep over at her house and how fun it was.
George was relieved to see them and said, in an almost parental voice, that they can't ever do that again.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Banana bread

Hey Jill- (but others can read it 'cause it makes fun of Clay)
This is funny.
Remember when you were over and Clay was outside and I told him that there was some yummy banana bread on the counter for him to eat? He went inside and found Nancy's Irish soda bread instead.
When I got home from the doctor I asked him if he thought the bread was good and he said it was terrible. I couldn't understand why he'd call your culinary creation anything but top notch.
When I figured out that he'd mistaken the two, he said your bread was indeed fantastic and Nancy's bread was the worst banana bread he'd ever eaten but really good soda bread.
Like I've said before, he is very cute.


What happens when you wash, in the same load, a maroon cashmere sweater, white towels and assorted underwear, socks and jeans?
Ask Mr. Clay if you want to know the answer.
Yes, the cashmere sweater *was* mine but I'll be handing it over to Goldie, if it isn't too small for her.
And, the white towels are now pinkish so they'll look good in our powder blue bathroom.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Obama, baby!

Did you hear the one about about the Obama bake sale that raised $250?
Yep, a few weeks ago George and his buddy Everest had a bake sale in front of our house and seven batches of cookies later they had $250!
Debbie, Everest's mom, and I took the kids down to the Obama offices where they got stickers and a lot of praise for their good work.
Incase anyone is interested I think my dad is planning a McCain bake sale next week. It will be in Bellevue and he's selling Oreo cookies, the kind with hydrogenated fat.

The above pictures crack me up. We would have made $300 if G and E didn't eat the product. And, Goldie was pissed off 'cause I wouldn't let her open the chocolate chips. She is so SASSY!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

New Neighbors!

We love our old neighbors Ashley and Nancy. In fact they were the reason we didn't make an inital offer on our current house. Remember we made a backup offer after it looked like the first offer was going to fall apart? And, when we did it was a tearful decision. In retrospect it is funny 'cause we moved 4 blks from our old place.
Tonight we hosted a dinner for the old neighbors and the new neighbors. We thought thought they should meet since they both have daughters named Ruby. Just joking, it is really because we like both couples.
One of the best parts about the new folks is their kindergarten aged daughter who asked me last week if Clay was my first husband! (He's my first but not my last, dar-ling. To be read in your best Zsa Zsa Gabor voice)
The dinner was fun.
Clay wants me to come upstairs. I really wanted to write a post but I am cutting it short for my husband. Sorry folks.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We are back!

We've been MIA, sorry about that. We promise to post on a more regular basis.
The following post is being dictated by George Irman Martin.

"Why is it slimy? Yana manyana. Write that, okay?"
The setting- George is sitting on my lap wearing purple underpants and playing with his belly button.
He has just finished unwinding a box of dental floss, mint flavored. He sucked the mint off and wants to know why is it slimy.
My answer is because you put it in your grubby little mouth.
"Tell them belly button."
I say, tell the readers something that makes for more interesting reading.
"Tell them BOBBY"
Bobby is what Goldie calls her bottle, not so interesting.
Now he is doing what sounds like labor breathing in my ear and asking me to type that.
It is hard to explain that I can't.
We are off to a great start.