Monday, September 14, 2009

Foot in Mouth

As a parent, I often have moments when I know I shouldn't laugh when my children have done something horrible. Below is one such instance.

Milo had lost his binky and Goldie was forced to improvise


deebee said...

Apparently she's a creative on-her-feet-(no pun intended) type of thinker. You go girl! Perhaps with children, feet have far fewer germs since they are a bit harder to get in one's own mouth, nose, pants, she not only was creative, she was being safe, and helpful, and empathetic towards her baby brother, and oh my the qualities go on and on! I think she deserves bonus points.

kim said...

This makes me laugh out loud. Give that girl a Valomilk for thinking outside the box.

robinwehl said...

Yay Kim! Nice to have you back.