Sunday, June 3, 2012

Porter Bread (with recipe!)

Sometimes I need a break from talking about how stupid (or fabulous) I am and need to focus on other people and how stupid or fabulous they are. Or in this case, why their pets are stupid. (Remember Crazy Person of the Month?  Maybe it's time to bring that feature back.)

Last night Clay and I ran into old friends of ours. They're an amazing couple, who are so busy enjoying life that they haven't had time to get married. And they've been together FOREVER!

As we were catching up, she told me about the movie that was just filmed in her house. It's called The Details and it stars Laura Linney, Ray Liotta, and Toby Maguire (Yes THAT Toby Maguire!)  While the film was being shot, the studio put them up at the very plush Sorrento Hotel. And they were able to come by and hang out on the set during the day. Sounds dreamy, doesn't it?

Like I said, they are interesting and fun.

Here's a less glamorous part of their lives. It involves their dog Porter.

One day Lisa was going to bake a loaf of bread. She left the dough to rise on the kitchen counter and went out to run some errands.

When she returned, she smelled a foul yeasty sort of odor she could't identify. As she walked closer to the kitchen, the smell got stronger and she noticed her bread dough lying in a pile on the floor.

"Darned, Porter. He knocked over the bowl," she thought.

She picked up the dough and realized it was oddly slimy and very stinky. She then realized what had happened.

Porter had jumped on the counter, eaten the dough and was probably as happy as could be until the yeast started to rise. It rose in his tummy until it could rise no more. It then erupted out the top hatch onto the kitchen floor where she found it.

And the really funny part is that she went ahead and baked it and gave it to the noisy, inconsiderate neighbors. And they never found out...

OK. I made that last bit up. But don't you think that would have made the story even better?

Porter Bread... Mmmmmm.

Bad dog! Bad bread! Good story.

This is exactly why we are getting chickens in six days!  Stay tuned to meet the girls and hear Scene Two of Baking with Robin.


Leora Bloom said...

One time my Dad made bread and my sister's dog ate it. And he got sooooo drunk he fell in the pool and my Dad had to get in and save him. Seriously. If they don't throw it up, the fermentation of the yeast makes them drunk, and they can get alcohol poisoning. Just so you know. I am a wealth of interesting information.

kim said...

When I was little, there was an episode of EMERGENCY where a boy ate cinnamon roll dough and it rose inside his stomach and they had to take some sort of lifesaving action at the hospital. Good thing all your friends' dog did was barf.

Leora does have fascinating information.

robinwehl said...

I loved Emergency! I need to see if I can find some of it on the internet.