Thursday, July 5, 2012

Why I H-A-T-E Mercer Island

Today Milo and I were listening to John Denver on Spotify. I thought he'd love the song Sunshine on My Shoulder, since he calls a guitar a sunshine.

I was happily humming along when I noticed he's sobbing. Then he started crying and saying, "This is a sad song." Then he mutters something about the sunshine in the water. He was really upset because the sunshine (guitar) is in the water. I tried to explain to him that it's the reflection of the real sunshine on the water.

He's not buying it. So I punt and put on The Carpenters. "Rainy Days and Mondays" comes on and now it's my turn to get all emotional.

Karen's blathering on about how rainy days and Mondays get her down and I'm thinking that all this sunshine is killing me. I really wish that it were rainy or cloudy outside so I wouldn't be so hot and there wouldn't be so many flies. It's actually days in the 80s that really get me down. And moreover, I love Mondays. Mondays are when all the kids are back in school. Karen Carpenter, you are full of it! Wait. Is that insensitive? Is it too soon?

So, since Spotify wasn't working for either of us we drove to Mercer Island to pick up George and Goldie at camp. (I'm not sure which pisses me off more: Mercer Island or 80 degree days.)

On Mercer Island I find myself following a giant SUV with a license plate that says SHOPPIN and that gets me THINKIN, why on earth would someone put that on their license plate? Just in case the car behind you was wondering why you're TOOLIN about in your giant SUV? That's very helpful, giant SUV lady.

By the way, my vanity plate is going to say POOPIN.

And all this leads me to the fact that I really dislike excessive sunshine.

...And Mercer Island.

Karen Carpenter is still OK.

Well, she's not OK. In fact, she's very much not OK. But, you know what I mean.

Anyway, THINKIN I should sign off now.


Jan said...

Try 114!!

Anonymous said...

We don't like you stupid pot smoking hippies on our Island either.