Friday, October 28, 2011

Dumb People and Smart Phones

Clay had had the same flip phone for at least 7 years. It's small and the only thing you could do with it was make phone calls. No texting. No camera. Nothing. I think it even had a rotary dialer on it, but I might have imagined that part.

My phone is junky as well but it has a killer keyboard and I can text like an 8th grader. It's also turquoise.

For some reason Clay decided WE were going to join the 21st century and see what these smart phones were all about.

I'd like to go on record at this point and say I did NOT want a smart phone. My phone may not be "smart," in fact, I think it was probably held back a grade or two and probably earned an "incomplete" at community college, but I was loyal to it. It was always there for me.

So, we went to University Village and Clay got the fancy new iPhone 4S and I got a 3G, which was free. So, we both walked out holding our new smart phones. We felt so cosmopolitan.

Anyway, let's cut to the good part. Four hours after the purchase we're home and Clay's in the bathroom and I hear, "Noooooooo!"

I knew immediately what had happened and yelled "Get it out! Just grab it!"

To quote our dear friend Margot, my husband is "more decorative than functional." He dropped his brand new iPhone in the toilet, thus proving you can own a smart phone and still be a big dummy.

The crazy part is we dried it and submerged it in rice for three days and Monday morning it fired up and has been working perfectly ever since.

It just smells a little funky.


Anonymous said...

That's my Boy!!!

Hugo's Momma said...

You need to get the app VIBER. You can text and talk for free to other iPhone users worldwide, i.e. ME.

kim said...

Please don't tell us what you did with the rice.