Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Section: Who's the Dummy?

My parent's cat, whom I'll call Charlie since that's his name, ate a bunch of dental floss. It is all knotted up in his intestines and he throws it up and poops it out. Nice long strings of it. Imagine that while you are laying in bed tonight. It is causing him a lot of gastric distress.

My mom paid $500 for this diagnosis. The doctor's advice was to feed the cat baby food(instead of floss?).

My dad caused this problem by throwing his used floss into the toilet where Charlie fished it out when drinking from the toilet.

Who is the dummy in this scenario?

a. My mom for paying $500.
b. My dad for throwing dental floss into the toilet.
c. Charlie for drinking out of the toilet.
d. All of the above.
e. Me for risking my inheritance by writing about this personal family matter in a public forum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd have to go with your dad. Dental floss does not belong in the toilet. It does not belong in Charlie, either. How much of the stuff does your dad use at one time, anyway?