Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Taters For Tots!

Remember when we put together the Vertical potato box with our friend Jack? (Refresh your memory here.)

Yesterday we finally harvested the potatoes. Being of the Jewish persuasion, I can't say this with any real authority, but I'm pretty sure harvesting pototoes is more fun than 1,000 Easter Egg Hunts.

Here's a glimps of the great bounty we harvested from the good earth:

And here's farmer George washing that bounty:

While harvesting, I had an epiphany and decided I was ready to sell the house, move to the county, plant the north 40 with potatoes and live off the fat of the land. And then our friend Sharon sized up our bounty and estimated our cost (once you consider, labor, materials, compost, etc.) at approximately $68.47 per potato.

Perhaps we'll hold off on that move for a while. I gotta call my real estate agent.


kim said...

Ever read the $64 Tomato?

Ericka said...

I grew garbage can potatoes this year, and you are absolutely right, it's way better than the best of Easter egg hunts. I was jumping around the yard with excitement as I harvested. And I tell you, those were the yummiest taters I've ever eaten.

robinwehl said...

Ericka- Explain garbage can potatoes, please. They sound so interesting! By the way, we need a date.

Kim- I've read Fried Green Tomatoes.