Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Feature: Why I'm the Worst Mom in The World

I've reached a new all time low in my parenting skills.

A few years ago my parents took George and Goldie on an outing and they came back with two fish, which George named Nardy and Facewipe.

I have always hated these fish.

They keep dying and I keep replacing them as soon as George notices they are missing. Sometimes it takes months and sometimes it takes days.

Because George loves these fish I can't stand the thought of telling him they died so I just replace them as appropriate.

This morning when I woke up Nardy (or maybe Facewipe) was lying in the fetal position gasping for air, or water, or whatever fish gasp for. Clearly he was about to die... Again!

On our walk to school today I gently asked George if we could maybe set the fish free and let them live to their full potential in a pond somewhere. George looked as though he was about to cry, so hours later I'm back at the pet store buying more fish.

So, smarty pants me decided to buy extra fish, just in case of a sudden death. The fish guy at Petco told me Beta fish were very sturdy and would live for years and I wouldn't even have to change their water or feed them. Perfect, I buy two.

Small problem: they're blue instead of gold. Not sure how to get around this one. I also bought two more goldfish. (And I still have the two fish at home, although they aren't looking so fresh.)

I clearly haven't thought any of this through and now I've got SIX fish to deal with. Six fish! See why I'm the worst mom and why lying is bad? And if that isn't bad enough George asked Clay tonight at bedtime if when Nardy and Facewipe die can we bury them in a coffin?

I better start searching for fish coffins on sale because we're going to need a lot of them around here.


leorabakes said...

This story is a great example of Why You Are The Best Mom in the World. You hate the fish, yet you now have SIX of them, and although many people would think that you are kidding about the fish coffins, I know that you are not :-)

Monice said...

I love this story. And I love that their names are Nardy and Facewipe.

robinwehl said...

As of today we are down to four fish.

robinwehl said...

OMG, now three. They are dropping like flies. Or fish. Or something that drops quickly.

robinwehl said...


Hugo's Momma said...

Do you still have the fish or did you manage to find little fish coffins?

Clare Tisdale said...

I can make you come great fish coffins out of Sculpey modeling clay. Come to think of it, George may enjoy making them himself. Once they're done, you can bake the Sculpey in the oven for 25 minutes at 275 degrees and it comes out hard. Great fish coffin material!

Anonymous said...

I think you are a great mom, but you are failing at blogging.
Grandpa LA LA