Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nardy and Facewipe Martin

George went to Nana and Baba's house last month and returned with two goldfish in a plastic bag. He lovingly named them Nardy and Facewipe. One morning Nardy and Facewipe were both found dead and were quickly flushed. George didn't notice the missing fish for about a week but when he did he was mad as hell! I called my mom, aka:Nana, who raced her butt up to Crossroads Mall and spent 26 cents on Nardy and Facewipe's doppelgangers.
When she came over with them seconds later she said something about the fish having a sleep over at her house and how fun it was.
George was relieved to see them and said, in an almost parental voice, that they can't ever do that again.

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