Tuesday, July 22, 2008


My mom calls me this afternoon from the parking lot of McDonalds in Bellevue. (My mom and dad go there most days for lunch when they are not at Taco Time or Chipolte.)
Her voice sounded odd and she said, "We've run into some trouble and I'm not sure we'll be able to watch the kids tonight". (My friend Heather from Guido's pizza fame was in town and we were headed over to Cafe Lago with our old boss Robin. Robin's brother-in-law and sister-in-law own Cafe Lago so she's really fun to dine with as she knows the menu intimately. Plus, it is just so fun to be with Robin and Heather.)
Nonetheless, my mom has run into some trouble.
The trouble, according to my mom, was that a car, as she put it, ran over their car and was parked on their hood. Huh? "Mom", I asked her "is the car literally sitting on your hood"? She tells me yes and I'm pretty interested in how it all went down. The story is actually very sad and involves a lady in her late 70's so I'll spare you all that and focus on the good and funny parts which include that no one was injured (they were inside eating their McNuggets), my dad told the lady it wasn't a big deal (which is a big fat whopper of a lie 'cause it was his brand spankin' new 2008 Cadillac but he wanted to make her feel better.)
The fire dept came, people watched and took pictures and my dad told me tonight that for sure the pictures would turn up on "the blog". He doesn't know I have a blog 'cause I want to make fun of him without him knowing but sure enough, the pictures are on "the internet blog". This is for you dad. I'm proud of you for being so darn nice.


Nancy Adelson said...

This story and picture are a "must see". Thanks for sharing them on your blog!

susie said...

See, this is why I don't live in the suburbs. Too much crazy stuff happens there.