Friday, October 2, 2009

If I had Twitter

6:30 a.m.- My beloved fitness instructor cancels Boot Camp indefinitely after almost 3 years together. I decide to wake up at 6:30 a.m. all next week and eat cupcakes in her honor.

10:11 a.m.: Stuck in traffic as University bridge opens for rich guy in yacht. George and Goldie are mesmerised by the sidewalk lifting up.

10:30 a.m.: Milo has huge blowout. Need to cut him out of his outfit to avoid getting poop in his hair and eyes -- the only unafected areas of his body.

1:00 p.m.: Locked myself in the back of the car again. Had to climb over infant carrier to get to the front seat. Lost one shoe in the process. Still at large...

2:18 p.m.: Goldie eats her first ever pumpkin seeds. Says it tastes like dirt and promptly asks for more.

3:02 p.m. George wants me to make chocolate chip cookies but without chocolate chips. I oblige and accidentally whack him in the head with a 5 lb bag of sugar.

3:30 p.m.: Cookies in oven and lots of dough and chocolate chips in bellies.

3:31 p.m.: Goldie has a blue mouth and tongue and I've discovered she's been licking craft sticks that were made in China, probably chalk full of lead and other yummy stuff. I quickly throw them away.

3:46 p.m.: George announces that when he grows up he is going to be a daddy and a monster from Monsters Inc.

3:47 p.m.: George yells from the bathroom that he and Goldie are stuffing toilet paper down the drain. And they are telling the truth.

This confirms why I don't have a Twitter account.

End of post.

1 comment:

Leora said...

Based on this post, I would MUCH rather read your Twitter posts than just about anyone else's. Really.