Monday, October 5, 2009

The Mystery Splatter

Beware all who enter this story, it is not one for the squeamish or easily disturbed.

Sunday night we hosted a dinner party with some folks from our block. I made chili and cut up some avocado, onions and other toppings for garnish. Clay was talking with the guys in the kitchen and suddenly the right lens of his glasses was splattered with something green. He immediately looked up, as if it had fallen from a bird. He took his glasses off and showed it to me saying "This is the weirdest thing. My glasses just had something splattered on them and I have no idea where it came from."

We were both baffled as no one was eating yet, or so we thought, as no chili had been served.

I, wanting to get to the bottom of this ASAP, picked off the biggest splatter and put it in my mouth, confirming that, yes, it was -- in fact -- avocado. Clay gave me a disgusted look and said "Did you just put that in your mouth?"

Well, the mystery lingered until tonight. We were recounting the splatter story to our friends Ashley and Nancy and simultaneously we realized the splatter must have come from the mouth of the guy whose story Clay was listening to when the mystery splatter happened. (I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth...)

I will never again do a taste test on mystery splatters, no matter how delicious they may look.

Mmmmmmm... green splatter. I could never stay mad at you.


Debbie said...

You know, this is the food equivalent of picking cigarette buts out of an ashtray and smoking them.

You might have an addiction

And I say that in the most loving possible way. said...

that definitely left a squeamish churn in my stomach. blech!