Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We are back!

We've been MIA, sorry about that. We promise to post on a more regular basis.
The following post is being dictated by George Irman Martin.

"Why is it slimy? Yana manyana. Write that, okay?"
The setting- George is sitting on my lap wearing purple underpants and playing with his belly button.
He has just finished unwinding a box of dental floss, mint flavored. He sucked the mint off and wants to know why is it slimy.
My answer is because you put it in your grubby little mouth.
"Tell them belly button."
I say, tell the readers something that makes for more interesting reading.
"Tell them BOBBY"
Bobby is what Goldie calls her bottle, not so interesting.
Now he is doing what sounds like labor breathing in my ear and asking me to type that.
It is hard to explain that I can't.
We are off to a great start.


deebee said... are hysterical!!! I'm glad I get a little dose of long missed Wehler humor. And that George too...where's the purple underpants photo??? I thought he was saying that his belly button is slimy! xoxodina

j said...

George should dictate for -- i think he speaks for all of us.