Tuesday, December 9, 2008

George Speaks

George had two funny quotes today-

"Mommy, you are overwhelming me."

Said at the Macy's FAO gift shop where he was begging me to buy him a stuffed dog.
And yes, I did buy it. He only has 500 stuffed animals, what is one more?

"The world isn't fun anymore since they stopped making Polaroid Cameras."

He's been obsessed with Polaroid cameras and is sad that they are going to be discontinued. I'm sad as well. Moment of silence please.

Hint to Auntie Donna- I know a three year old who wants a Polaroid for Hanukkah.

1 comment:

kidshaus.typepad.com said...

i LOVE your stories...this is going to be worth it's weight in gold when those little G's grow up. What is the gender of #3??? I"m dying to know...