Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Why, you're no better than Michael Jackson!"

Almost four years ago Clay and I took baby George to the Original Pancake House in Kirkland. (I neeeeeeded a Dutch Baby pancake and they do them right!)
George was fussy so Clay walked outside with him, while I sat and stuffed my face. Clay, being the excellent dad he's always been, held him in a modified clutch hold, trying to get him calm down when an older woman walked past him and commented loudly "Why, you're no better than Michael Jackson!" (This was around the time when Michael Jackson was criticised for holding his kid over a balcony.)
Clay, who never lets anything bother him, walked back to our table, where I'm sure I had consumed my Dutch Baby and 1/2 of his, and told me about their interaction and laughed.

Fast forward to tonight, I'm getting George ready for bed and mistakenly put both his legs in the same leg hole of his pj's. George looks at me with a grin and says, "Why, you're no better than Michael Jackson!"

This phrase has been floating around our house for years but I've never heard George use it until tonight!

P.S.- If you think two legs in one hole is bad, once I put George to bed with a small wooden truck in the leg of his footy pj's. I found it in the morning... sorry G!


deebee said...

Did he really say that to you??? OMG that is too funny. My oh my what kids pick up! said...

that's a riot!!!