Friday, June 19, 2009

Constructive Vandalism

Tonight we had dinner with our friends Jack, Sharon, Todd and Chris. Todd and Chris went to high school together and told us the funniest stories about their form of adolescent rebellion called "constructive vandalism".

The concept is that you do a random secret and illegal good deed for someone. Todd and Chris would break into someone's garage, mow their yard and then put the lawn mower back. Or perhaps they'd take someone's car and return it all tuned up. Other examples are breaking into someone's house and doing the their dishes and tidying up. The examples were endless. They told us of one instance of getting caught while mowing a lawn at 2 a.m. (after drinking a few) and trying to run from the lawn owner while pushing a mower down the street. When the owner, who knew Chris, caught up with him, he was simply confused and suggested they discuss it in the morning.

Well, we've had a little constructive vandalism here this week.

Someone stole one of our plates and returned it with a lovely batch of oatmeal cookies. I thought it was Nancy or Allie, but both said no. And I can't seem to remember anyone else who makes such yummy cookies in our area.

Fess up you constructive vandal!

1 comment:

deebee said...

I wanna cross post this one on my blog! I love this idea of constructive vandalism! I have always wanted to be a bit more daring and do a little B&E but never did I want to do anything mean and/or hurtful. This now opens up a whole new world...I must begin to plot, but I do need a co-conspirator with me as I'm slightly shy.

PS: I'm coming to Seattle and would love to see you after too too many years of not seeing you.