Saturday, April 24, 2010

No Turning Back

Recently I told George and Goldie a story about a friend of Clay's from college whose road trip to Disneyland as a kid was cut short. He was fighting with his brother in the back seat when his dad said, "If I have to turn around one more time, we're goin' home."

This was well into Central Oregon from Idaho, so they didn't take the warning too seriously. Next time they fought, the dad actually turned the car around and they headed back to Idaho in stunned silence as they realized dad wasn't bluffing.

Cut to last weekend as we are leaving Camano Island and George is begging us to go back so he can spend more time with Nana and Baba.

It was late and we gave him a definite no.

After contemplating for a couple of miles George said, "If Goldie and I start fighting, then will you turn the car around and go back?"

Apparently this story left an impression. I'm not sure if it was the right one, but it left an impression.

1 comment:

kim said...

A logician at the age of 5. You guys are in big, big trouble.