Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hey Nancy

I don't think I have many readers with the exception of my dear friend Nancy who happens to be our next door neighbor for a couple more months. Because she is so loyal and entertaining she gets her own post.

Here is what I have to say to you Nancy Jo.

Any interest in taking a cooking class with me at this cool place in Magnolia called Dish It Up?

They've had chefs such as Ethan Stwole and Tom Douglas teach prior classes.

I think they are $70 each and include plentiful portions of food and wine. We are ordering our new kitchen cabinets from their kitchen designer which is kind of a longer post that I don't feel like writing about.

I'll also ask Debbie, Henley, Michelle and any other readers that I have. (Translation - I have no other readers except for ex boyfriends who have googled my name and are stalking me. You know who you are.)

I know you want me to do longer posts but I simply

a) don't have time

b) don't want to

c) don't care to

I'll end this post by telling you that I left a pan of cookies in the oven for over two hours tonight. I baked cookies to bring to a dinner party and spaced the second batch. They are in the backyard if you get a craving for charcoal. I thought about leaving them on your porch and telling you they were those double chocolate cookies from the Nigella Lawson book.

Signing off,

Robin Jo
P.S. The above picture was taken 3 days after Goldie was born. That is why I am wearing maternity pants.

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