Sunday, June 22, 2008

Turkey what?

We went to Camano Island again last weekend. The new state park opened and Clay and I were interested in checking it out. Cama Beach =

They refurbished cabins from the 30's and practically charge rental rates from the 30's. The cabins are right on the water and so cozy with handmade quilts and rustic wood floors. George and Clay walked on the beach which is really rocky and filled with crabs, clams and other yuck. George found empty clam shells and picked them up and announced that we were going to make clam chowder with them. (He's never even tasted clam chowder or clams so we thought this was especially funny.)
Our trip was really good with the exception of both kids waking up at 4:30am Sunday morning. Clay and I tried so hard to get them back to sleep with no luck so we ventured off to Starbucks at 5 something am. The store wasn't open yet so we literally sat in the parking lot waiting.

Once inside Goldie had apple juice (she's the second child) and as I was reading the packaging I noticed it said Concentrate from Turkey on the back. I thought that was interesting, 'cause it was now 6:01am, and I said to Clay "This juice has concentrate from Turkey in it."

Then, I said "Is Turkey known for their exceptional crop of apples?" And, my ever so bright husband said "Oh I thought you meant turkey concentate from a turkey." Agh! He is really cute though.

Right now he's back to his crazy hardware boiling trick. I'll keep this brief only to let you know that he boils the hardware from our new house in Borax and then peels the paint off.
The above image is what I saw in our backyard today. Yes, he owns the respirator. I don't understand why he didn't want me to post this. I don't think anyone even reads this blog. If you do be sure and leave a comment.


Debbie said...

nice look Clay!

Dad & Audree said...

That's my boy--makes me so proud.
Love you anyway. Dad

HRMnews said...

Mmmm...turkey concentrate...yum!